2025 Tired Iron Update
This is Tired Iron’s 20th Anniversary and we’re doing something special to celebrate!
This year, instead of racing vintage snowmachines, we’re going to show and “RIDE” vintage snowmachines. And we’re going to pay out a total of $20,000 to 20 of those LUCKY participants! Just bring any 1979 or older snowmachine and 20 bucks to the “Last Great Vintage Ride” on March 22, 2025.
Event Date: Saturday March 22, 2025
Location: Corner of Helmricks Ave and Herb Miller Blvd (Next to East Fred Meyer on Old Steese Hwy)
Event Time: 9 AM – 3 PM
Sled Sign-up Times: 9 AM – Noon
Awards Banquet Location: Westmark Hotel, The Northern Latitudes Room
Banquet Time: 6 PM – 9 PM (Cash Drawing – 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM)
General Rules
To be eligible to receive ONE ticket to the CASH drawing, you must pay an entry fee of $20, to enter a snow machine, of a model year of 1979 or older, into our Show-N-Shine. That entry allows you to display your sled in our Show-N-Shine (SNS) display area. You will also receive a coupon for a LUNCH MEAL TICKET for a free burger (or) 2 hot dogs/bag of chips/beverage, redeemable at the Food Court, (courtesy of the Midnight Sun BSA – Boy Scouts) located in the on-site Event Tent.
PLEASE NOTE: You may enter more than ONE (1) sled into our SNS. Regardless of how many sleds you enter, you will only be charged ONE Entry Fee of $20. Also, regardless of how many sleds you enter, you will only be eligible to receive ONE drawing ticket (per person entering) to the CASH drawing.
To enter your sled(s), just go to the Ticket Handlers Table inside the Event Tent (between the hours of 9 AM – Noon) for the appropriate paperwork. At the time of your Entry, you will receive an important receipt (to keep with you), a Lunch Meal Ticket, a Waiver Form, and a Sled Display Informational Form (to be displayed on each sled you wish to show), along with ONE ticket to the CASH drawing.
After entering, you will be able to offload your sled(s) and see TI Staff, in the SNS display area, for appropriate sled staging.
In addition to the ONE drawing ticket you receive when entering a sled in the SNS, ONE (additional) ticket will be awarded to each entrant that completes two (2) PARADE LAPS (Single File) on our small Parade Track (approximately 1/4 mile long). These PARADE LAPS will be organized in groups of “similar” sled sizes and are intended to give spectators, etc. the opportunity to get good photos and videos of what we’ve named the “LAST TIRED IRON VINTAGE RIDE”.
As a way to honor our past Tired Iron Champions, all former Tired Iron “Champions” will receive ONE “Honorary” ticket to the CASH drawing each (regardless of how many times they were champions). Qualifying Champions are the “Classic” and the “Wet Iron” 1st place winners… specifically, the same names that went on the large “Fairbanks Tired Iron Champions” trophy.
Our Final Parade (Ride)
Prior to our “Parade” (Ride), sleds will be pre-grouped, (Groups A,B,C,D,etc.) while still in our Show-N-Shine Display Area, to prepare for each group to participate in our (Single File) Parade, of 2 laps, around the Parade Track.
We ask that there be NO PASSING during this Parade event, to allow for unobstructed access by spectators who will be taking photos and videos, and to ensure that the Parade is a safe event.
At approximate 1:00 PM, we will be calling the various Groups of sleds to enter the Parade Track, where they will be lined up by TI Staff. Once ready, they will receive a green flag to begin the Parade. The sled in the “Pole” position (Inside – Left) will start, and the sled to their right will fall in behind them, and so on, until that row has emptied. The row behind will follow, in the same manner, beginning with its inside-left sled, and repeating the process, until all sleds have been started. After their 2 laps have been completed, they will exit the Parade Track, returning to the Show-N-Shine Display area.
Shortly after a Group has completed their Parade Laps, they will be able to return to the Ticket Handlers Table inside the Event Tent to receive their final CASH drawing ticket.
When the Parade Ride has concluded, the event will come to a close, and the Awards Banquet will begin at 6:00 PM at the Westmark Hotel.
Cash and Awards Banquet
For those who wish to book a room at the Westmark, the Tired Iron has negotiated a special “Tired Iron” room rate of $109 plus tax, per night. Standard Check-In time is 3:00 p.m. Standard Check-Out time is 11:00 a.m. Rate is valid for 2 nights prior to check-in and 2 nights after check-out, subject to availability (so make your reservations early!). 24-hour notice is required for all individual cancellations. Breakfast is included. To receive this rate, you must book your reservation online at www.hollandamericahotels.com using the Tired Iron Group Code: TI2025 (Case Sensitive)
Make sure to add the 2025 Tired Iron’s “LAST TIRED IRON VINTAGE RIDE” to your calendar. Don’t miss your chance to CASH in on getting paid to ride your snowmachine! We’ll see you there!
2024 Tired Iron Update
Thanks for Stopping By!
Fairbanks Tired Iron proudly announces its sponsorship of the 19th Annual “Johnny Martin Memorial” Tired Iron Snowmobile Weekend Extravaganza, to be hosted by Alaska Vintage Sleds.
We dedicate our 19th season to John Martin, and have named it the “Johnny Martin Memorial Tired Iron Snowmobile Weekend Extravaganza”, in his honor. On January 17, 2024, we lost Johnny Martin, a snow machine icon in Fairbanks and a great Fairbanks Tired Iron supporter and volunteer. Johnny Martin, has raced snow machines from the 1960’s well into the 2000’s. His race career included World Class races like the “Midnight Sun 600”, a race described by Time Magazine as clearly the “Coldest and Crudest” snowmobile race in the world. In another race, described as one of the World’s Toughest Downhill Ski races, and an exciting Snowmobile Race, all in one, the “Arctic Man”, Johnny and his teammate posted two wins over the many years they participated. He was a “Master” snowmobile mechanic, with an exceptional talent for clutch tuning. He was the “Go To” man for track preparation and trail grooming, racking up countless hours of volunteer work over many, many years.
In 2023, Johnny was awarded the Tired Iron’s “Volunteer of the Decade” award, for his invaluable dedication to the Tired Iron, from its inception. Many, many, thanks to Johnny and his wife Pat (both members of the Fairbanks Tired Iron) for all of their support over the years! We’ll surely miss him at the Start Line with his enthusiastic waving of those Green and Checkered Flags!
This year’s events will be held on March 16th and 17th at 3671 Lakeview Drive, which is the location of the Fairbanks Snowmobile Fun Lions Clubhouse. For 2024, once again, we’ve teamed up with Alaska Vintage Sleds to host the 19th Annual Tired Iron. A GREAT BIG shout out to Richard, Kurt, and the Petersons, for stepping up and putting in the time it takes to make these events possible! Get ready to experience some real “Vintage Style” snow machine fun, which is our most basic commitment to the “Tired Iron” experience: Having FUN!! True, our official mission is to: “Educate the public, document and preserve the history of snow machining and snow machine racing”, so what better way to achieve that goal than to encourage people to restore those old sleds and bring them out to show them off!
Tired Iron will, once again, be awarding $CASH$ prizes for the various Show-N-Shine category winners. Whether its the Closed Course Race, the Drag Races, the Oval Racing, or the Show-N-Shine, we think you’re going to like what’s in store for 2024. Bottom line is… it should FUN, and a good time for all. Don’t Forget… Everyone should plan to enter at least one sled in our Vintage Sled Show-N-Shine. Bring your spiffed up sled(s) to our vintage outdoor showroom and you’ll have a chance to win some individual class $CASH$ AND the “Random Drawing” for all Show participants! AND, BEST OF ALL… IT’S TOTALLY FREE TO ENTER THE SHOW-N-SHINE!
Sign up your sled(s) by printing out the entry form below and emailing it to [email protected] (one form for each sled you are entering please) or you can sign up on Sat March 16th, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM, at the event location (3671 Lakeview Drive). All sleds must be parked by 12:30 PM, so judging can begin. Good Luck!
Click Here to Download 2024 Show-N-Shine Entry Form
For current information on this year’s events, and how to sign up, please use the link below, to go to the Alaska Vintage Sleds Facebook page: CLICK HERE
For your historical browsing enjoyment…
We are keeping previous year’s historical information on our website for browsing, but keep in mind, all information, beyond this page, on our site is for HISTORICAL AND EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION ONLY. For information related to the 2023 events, use the Alaska Vintage Sled Facebook Link above.